Top MPF Funds 

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13 February 2023

Top 10 MPF funds by year-to-date investment return as of 30 September 2021:

Rank Fund Name Scheme Name YTD return as of 30 September 2021



Fund Name

Manulife Global Select European Equity Fund

Scheme Name

Manulife Global Select

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

Hang Seng SuperTrust Plus ValueChoice US Equity Fund

Scheme Name

Hang Seng SuperTrust Plus

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

HSBC SuperTrust Plus ValueChoice US Equity Fund

Scheme Name

HSBC SuperTrust Plus

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

Manulife Global Select North American Equity Fund

Scheme Name

Manulife Global Select

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

Manulife Global Select Japan Equity Fund

Scheme Name

Manulife Global Select

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

Hang Seng SuperTrust Plus North American Equity Fund

Scheme Name

Hang Seng SuperTrust Plus

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

HSBC SuperTrust Plus North American Equity Fund

Scheme Name

HSBC SuperTrust Plus

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

Principal Series 800 US Equity Fund - D

Scheme Name

Principal Series 800

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

AIA Prime North American Equity Fund

Scheme Name

AIA Prime Value Choice

YTD return as of 30 September 2021




Fund Name

BOC-Prudential Easy-Choice North America Index Tracking Fund

Scheme Name

BOC-Prudential Easy-Choice

YTD return as of 30 September 2021

Source: Mercer MPF Fund Performance Report
Note: Past performance is neither an adequate test of comparative performance nor a reliable indicator of absolute level of returns in the future.

Speed Read

  • In 2021 Q3, we observed the uptrend momentum weaken on equity funds.
  • Under equity fund class, North America Equity Fund has been the best-performing asset class year-to-date in 2021, followed by Europe Equity and Global Equity, with average return of 15.0%, 11.4% and 10.4% respectively.  Furthermore, North America Equity Fund, European Equity Fund and Japan Equity Fund, hold dominant position among top 10 funds of the period in terms of investment performance.
  • On the contrary, China Index Tracking Funds have been the worst-performing asset class, followed by China (actively managed) Funds and HK (actively managed) Funds, with average return of -14.6%, -10.6% and -9.7% respectively.
  • The market sentiment was impacted by the concerns over inflation and the outlook of interest rate, the sentiments towards China also weekend by the government’s regulatory crackdown affecting different sectors that caused a sell-off in China equity funds.
  • Do you know? : A 1% difference in annual investment return can result in ~50% difference in accumulated retirement benefits over a 40-year saving period.

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  • Support employee engagement programs as it relates to MPF benefits
  • Bring you latest market insights from our vantage point in the industry
Please contact Ambrose Lau via +852 3476 3961 or if you wish to discuss and explore further. 

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