Christopher Tschida
Head of US Insurance
Fluctuating interest rates, volatile risk premiums and rising inflation are some of the issues driving increased complexity for insurance investment portfolios. That’s why many insurers are looking for better ways to optimize their investments, increase income, grow surplus and properly align risk.
We believe that with the right expertise and structure, efficient operations, effective execution and lower costs1, an insurance company’s investment program can grow enterprise value and provide a competitive advantage.
The insurance industry is taking action on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations through ventures such as the UN Environment Program’s work on Principles for Sustainable Insurance. Internal and external stakeholders are increasing their scrutiny of ESG issues.
Whether you’re focused on risk management, regulatory compliance, or identifying potential investment opportunities, you will need to consider sustainability issues. For example, climate change poses significant risk on asset owners of all sizes around the world. We provide a number of tools that can help you understanding the potential impacts, benchmark against peers and implement changes.
When you’re seeking greater diversification and higher returns, private market asset classes, such as infrastructure, real-estate and private debt, could play a greater role in your portfolio. Private debt is increasingly becoming a core allocation for insurers, supported by asset classes such as middle market lending, structured credit and specialty finance.
Understanding these asset classes and how they can meet your needs requires specialized knowledge, manager selection capabilities, access and scale to be effective. For smaller insurers, being able to pool assets with other institutional investors through our investment solutions could open new investment markets at an affordable cost. Our specialists around the globe source and implement alternative investment solutions for our clients.
The issue:
A global marine insurer needed to adjust to a new operating model. The process highlighted the company’s limited internal resources and inability to execute and nimbly adapt its investment strategy.
The in-house team wanted to retain control of manager selection but also explore new investment opportunities that capture yield, including moving into private markets.
The solution:
We began working with the insurer in a consultant capacity before progressing to an implemented consulting and discretionary delegated asset allocation relationship. The insurer was able to retain its existing fund managers while expanding and diversifying with managers we helped find.
We introduced detailed data and risk analytics, which enabled the insurer to enhance its governance structure. This also helped simplify and streamline the company’s operating model across multiple group entities and reduce costs.
US $17.5 trillion in global assets under advisement1
US $617 billion in global assets under management2
More than 11,000 investment strategies rated3
1 June 30, 2024. The assets under advisement data (AUA Data) reported here include aggregated assets under advisement for Mercer Investments LLC [and its affiliated companies globally (Mercer)]. The AUA Data has been derived from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, third-party custodians or investment managers, regulatory filings, and client self-reported data. Mercer has not independently verified the data sourced from third parties in compiling the AUA Data. Where available, the AUA Data are provided as of the date indicated (the Reporting Date). To the extent information was not available as of the Reporting Date; information from a date closest in time to the Reporting Date, which may be of a date more or less recent in time than the Reporting Date, was included in the AUA Data. The AUA Data include assets of clients that have engaged Mercer to provide ongoing advice. Global AUA includes clients that have engaged Mercer to provide project-based services at any time within the 12-month period ending on the Reporting Date, as well as assets of clients that subscribe to Mercer’s Manager Research database delivered through the MercerInsight® platform as of the Reporting Date.
2 December 31, 2024. The assets under management data (the AUM Data) reported here include aggregated assets for which Mercer Investments LLC [and its global affiliates] provide discretionary investment management services as of the dates indicated. With respect to certain commitment-based private funds managed by Mercer Investments LLC or its global affiliates, the AUM data includes committed but uncalled capital, which may also be reflected in client assets otherwise managed by Mercer Investments LLC or its global affiliates. The AUM Data reported here may differ from regulatory assets under management reported in the Form ADV for Mercer Investments. For regulatory assets under management, please see the Form ADV for Mercer Investments which is available upon request by contacting Compliance Department, Mercer Investments 99 High Street, Boston, MA 02110.
3 September 30, 2024
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